Bacio de Latte

Meu querido abismo
Livro publicado pela Darkside Books em 2020, em parceria com Raphael Gancz.

Os olhos secaram
Papercraft para a matéria "E os olhos secaram...", para a edição de Abril de 2016 da revista Saúde é Vital.

Safety of women journalists
I had the opportunity to create illustrations for Article 19 London, illustrating 6 case studies designed by and for women journalists from Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka; these reports showcase creative solutions to the threats women journalists face around the globe.


Infográfico em papel para a revista Saúde!, sobre endometriose.

Saúde! Magazine, Spermogram
Art direction: Letícia Raposo & Laura Louise Luduvig // Photo: Dulla

Infografia e design para publicações diversas

Esaú e Jacó
Cover and internal illustrations for Machado de Assis' book Esaú e Jacó. Published by Ateliê Editorial.

Zoo Animals

Polar Animals

Article 19
Article 19 London commissioned me for two illustrations about big tech. The business models of large social media platforms rely on capturing our attention and selling it to advertisers; their algorithms are designed to keep us engaged for as long as possible – including by amplifying problematic content like hate speech and disinformation.


Paper Maze


Latam São Paulo


Paper Objects
For several books, Editora Moderna

The Coolest City
The brazilian artists Mariana Coan and Galeria Experiência were invited to show a little bit from the coolest city in the world for Superinteressante magazine.
Illustrator: Mariana Coan
Video and photography: Galeria Experiência

Uol Finanças
Papercraft para Uol, direção de arte de Juliana Caro.

Galileu magazine asked me to build a huge bacteria and other props for an editorial piece. Photos: StudioOz Photography


For several medias, between 2008-2014

Find the beast!

Postcard book
For postcards book "Olhe em frente", published by Mol. Photo: Deborah Maxx. Art direction: Claudia Inoue.



Icons and map about Pinheiros, São Paulo. For Moderna Publishing.
